LWGA 18 Hole League

We're Tulsa's largest weekly women's golf league with a 40 year history.


We play Thursdays alternating between LaFortune and South Lakes. Play will begin April 13th, 2024 at LaFortune Park and will continue through mid-November. Join anytime!!! Our membership has a wide variety of talent, from the very low shooters to the high handicappers.

Membership ApplicationEnter Scores for Handicap

2024 Officers & Committee Chairs

Marie Roberts


Maria Coleman

Vice President

Lisa Booker


None Appointed


Dot Stice

Sports Chair

Pat Williams


Committee Chairs:

  • Handicap | Golf Shop/Dot Stice
  • Hole-in-One | Becky Masoner
  • Pars-n-Birdies,  Ringers | Becky Masoner
  • District Rep | Patty Monroe
  • WOGA Rep | Becky Masoner
  • Oklahoma Project Women | N/A
  • Rules – Pro Shop,
  • Website |
  • Sunshine | N/A

The Fortune Teller

New members call Marie Roberts, 918-798-6988        
           or Pat Williams, 918-934-8928 for pairings.

Our first play date is April 4th at 9am at Southlakes Golf Course.



To join our group…download the membership form from the link above.

Registration is $75
Hole in One Club – $5
Pars/Birdies – $2 for each course
Ringers – $2 for each course

To sign up for everything  $88
Unless you joined hole in one last year then $83

2024 18 Hole League Schedule

2024 LF/SL WGA Play Day Schedule
Date Time Course Event Description
4/4/24 9:00 SL Mixer No Prizes
4/11/24 9:00 LF Bargain Day Replace one score on front 9 & back 9 with a par
4/18/24 9:00 SL Best 9 Use your best side – 1/2 hdcp
4/25/24 9:00 LF 2 person odd/even 1 pers odd holes/ other even – pick before you play – 1/2 hdcp
5/2/24 8:30 SL Ace of Month Low Net- Putt Out
5/9/24 8:30 LF Eclectic Day 1 Best 18 of 5/9 & 5/16 Putt Out
5/16/24 8:30 SL Blind Partner Combined low net / partner draw after play
5/23/24 8:30 LF Eclectic Day 2 Best 18 of 5/9 & 5/16 Putt Out
5/30/24 8:30 SL Triple 3 Best par 3s,4s,5s 1/2 hdcp
6/6/24 8:00 LF Ace of Month Low Net Putt Out
6/13/24 8:00 SL Handicap Day 1 Putt Out
6/20/24 8:00 LF Handicap Day 2 3 Par 5/3 Par 4/3 Par 3 deduct 1/2 hdcp
6/27/24 8:00 SL Dog Fight Dbl bogey -1pt/Bogey-2pt/par-3p/Birdie-4/Eagle-8pt
7/4/24 7:30 LF T&F Holes Holes start w T & F (2,3,4,5,10,12,13,14,15,17)
7/11/24 7:30 SL Ace of Month Low Net Putt Out
7/18/24 7:30 LF Play Par 3 Course Low Net 3/4 hdcp
7/25/24 7:30 SL Low Putts Putt Out
8/1/24 7:30 LF Ace Of Month Low Net Putt Out
8/8/24 7:30 SL Short Sams Net 9 Shortest holes (2,5,6,7,8,13,14,15,17)
8/15/24 7:30 LF Beat the Pro Pro Gross/Player Net
8/22/24 7:30 SL 2 Per Triple Play 2 pers 3 formats BB1-6/Laternet Shot 7-12/Scramble 13-18
8/29/24 7:30 LF Mutt & Jeff Use only par 5 & 3 use 1/2 hdcp
9/5/24 8:00 SL Ace of Month Low Net Putt Out
9/12/24 8:00 LF Club Champion Day 1 Putt Out
9/19/24 8:00 SL Club Champion Day 2 Putt Out
9/26/24 8:00 LF Scramble 3 or 4 man
10/3/24 8:30 SL Ace of Year Low Net/Putt Out
10/10/24 8:30 LF Fairway Day Number of fairways or greens hit from tee shot
10/17/24 8:30 SL Hate Them Throw out 3 holes before play
10/24/24 8:30 LF Turkey Shoot Low net each flight
10/31/24 8:30 SL Trick or Treat Special game for each hole. Instructions provided on play day
11/7/24 9:00 LF Pick your group No Prizes

By-laws of LaFortune/South Lakes Women’s Golf Association 


Amended August 16 2012

ARTICLE 1 – Name and Purpose

SEC. 1 – Name. The name of the organization shall be LaFortune/South Lakes Women’s Golf Association.

SEC. 2 – Purpose. The purpose of the Association shall be to promote interest and activity in women’s golf, to hold tournaments, to promote fellowship and sportsmanship and to learn and practice the rules, etiquette and the true sport of the game of golf.

SEC. 3 – Game. To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System and issue USGA Handicaps and Indexes to members of the Association.


ARTICLE 2 – Administration and Officers

SEC. 1 – The officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sports Chairman and Pairings Chairman and shall be known as the Executive Board. The immediate Past President of this Association shall also be a member of the Executive Board.

SEC. 2 – The control and executive power of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Board. The Executive Board and/or Expanded Board, which includes Committee Chairmen, shall meet once a month or as needed. Special Board meetings may be called at any time by the President or at the request of a minimum of three (3) Board Members; Committee Chairmen may attend.

SEC. 3 – The first Board meeting of each year shall be held prior to the first general membership meeting (the membership coffee) to establish the program for the year and approve the sports agenda.


ARTICLE 3 –Membership

SEC. 1 – All women golfers 18 years of age and over are eligible for membership. Only members who have met current financial obligations, have established handicaps, and play according to established USGA Rules, General Club Rules and Local Rules shall be eligible for prizes. Refer to ARTICLE 8, SEC. 5 Sports Chairman d).

SEC. 2 – The membership year begins April 1 of each year and ends March 31 the following year.


ARTICLE 4 – Dues

SEC. 1 – Dues shall be paid annually as prescribed by the Executive Board and as approved by the membership.

SEC. 2 – Dues shall be payable at or before the first day of play for the member. No dues shall be refunded after the player’s first play day.

SEC. 3 – Dues may be prorated to half price for members joining the Association after September 1.


ARTICLE 5 – General Membership Meetings

SEC. 1 –Monthly general membership business meetings shall be held during the Association’s regular golf season.

SEC. 2 – Monthly business meetings of the general membership shall be scheduled on the first Thursday of the month that play is scheduled at LaFortune. In lieu of a business general membership meeting, a Christmas party shall be held in December for the purpose of presenting yearly reports, introducing the new officers, distributing yearly golf awards, and socializing.

SEC. 3 – The President may reschedule or call a special business meeting of the general membership any time she deems necessary.


ARTICLE 6 – Voting Procedures

SEC. 1 – A quorum shall consist of at least 15 members in good standing in attendance at a general membership business meeting. Issues will be decided by a majority vote of the membership either in person or by e-mail or other electronic means.

SEC. 2 – A meeting for the Board requires at least a majority of the Executive Board members.


ARTICLE 7 –Election

SEC. 1 – The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee with the Vice President as Chairman whose duty it shall be to present a slate of officers at the October general membership business meeting. The Nominating Committee will nominate one or more candidates for each office to be filled.

SEC. 2 – The election of officers shall be in November. At that time, additional names may be nominated from the floor, if the consent of the nominee has been obtained in advance.

SEC. 3 – No member shall hold the same executive office more than 2 consecutive years.

SEC. 4 – The new officers will assume their duties at the December meeting of the general membership.


ARTICLE 8 – Officers and Their Duties

SEC. 1 – President

  1. Shall preside at all regular general membership meetings, special meetings and Board meetings and shall be the ex-officio member of all committees.
  2. Shall decide the number of committees for the year and shall appoint all committee chairmen.
  3. Shall appoint a replacement for the balance of the year in the event any officer resigns.
  4. Shall submit minutes from the Secretary to the Board, following Board Meetings, and to members, following general membership business meetings, prior to the next meeting.

SEC. 2 – Vice President

  1. Shall acquaint herself with the duties of the President and shall assume these duties in the absence of the President.
  2. Shall automatically assume the duties of the Presidency and appoint a new Vice President in the event the President should resign.
  3. Shall be in charge of the registration coffee, the Christmas party, and other social activities, except the Member-Guest Day LaFortune/South Lakes WGA Invitational.
  4. Shall be responsible for purchasing the gift for the retiring President.
  5. Shall serve as chairman of the Nominating Committee.

SEC. 3 – Secretary

  1. Shall record all proceedings of the general membership business meetings and Board meetings, and submit these, as well as corrected minutes, to the President for distribution to appropriate members prior to the next meeting.
  2. Shall conduct routine correspondence and such correspondence could include but not limited to e-mails and other electronic means as may be directed by the Board of Directors.
  3. In her absence, a secretary pro-tem appointed by the President shall perform her duties.

SEC. 4 – Treasurer

  1. Shall collect all dues and have charge of all funds collected and disbursed.
  2. Shall give a monthly financial report to the membership with a copy in writing to the Secretary and President.
  3. Shall endorse the spending of all funds by committee chairmen prior to the expenditure.
  4. Shall prepare a complete annual report to be presented at the December meeting of the general membership.
  5. Shall provide names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of all members, and those members who have paid to participate in Ringers, Pars & Birdies, Hole-in-One, District and WOGA to all Board members.

SEC. 5 – Sports Chairman

  1. Shall present a yearly sports agenda to be approved by the Board and the Club Professional consisting of all play days, including a Spring Tournament and the Fall Championship Tournament.
  2. Shall confer with Handicap Chairman and set flight divisions as needed.
  3. Shall keep all records concerning organized play (including tournaments) determine play day winners, purchase and distribute prizes and awards for the golf season.
  4. The Sports Chairman and Rules Chairman shall act as a judicial committee in settling disputes and interpreting rules and regulations. They shall use as their guideline the By-Laws of this Association, the USGA rule book and/or local club rules as interpreted by them and/or the Club Professional. Their decision shall be final.
  5. Shall appoint an assistant Sports Chairman, if she so desires.
  6. Shall make pairings for tournaments and special play days and notify the media of the winners.
  7. Shall check on conditions of the golf course and cancel play days if in case of inclement weather after conferring with the Pro Shop.

SEC. 6 – Pairings Chairman

  1. Shall prepare and post the monthly sign-up sheets designating the dates of play.
  2. Shall prepare and post the pairings schedule, other than specific tournaments which are paired by the Sports Chairman, and shall notify members of their pairings in advance of each play day.


ARTICLE 9 – Order of Business

SEC. 1 – The regular order of business shall be:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Presenting of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  3. Report of the treasurer.
  4. Report of committees.
  5. Unfinished business.
  6. New business.
  7. Announcements.
  8. Adjournment.


ARTICLE 10 – Expenditures

SEC. 1 – Authorized expenditures shall be determined by the Executive Board.

  1. As a non-interest bearing Association, the balance of the treasury should be less than $100 when the treasury books are closed at fiscal year end December 31st.
  2. The bills and expenses of the Association should be paid first, and the remaining funds from the dues should be used for prizes to be awarded to the members.


ARTICLE 11 – Amending the By-Laws

SEC. 1 – To amend a By-Law, the amendment must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and approved, submitted and approved, and presented at a regular business meeting of the general membership. It, then, will be posted for a month and voted upon at the next regular meeting of the general membership. This requires a majority vote of the membership.


ARTICLE 12 – Committees

SEC. 1 – Membership Chairman

  1. Shall inform any new member of the Association rules and cost of membership, and shall introduce her at the next business meeting of the general membership.
  2. Shall distribute new members’ names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers to the Treasurer and Newsletter Chairman.

SEC. 2 – Sunshine Chairman

  1. Shall send cards to members and/or their immediate families who are ill or bereaved. Monies for these expenditures are to come from the Treasury.

SEC. 3 – Membership Directory Chairman

  1. Shall collect necessary information and be responsible for publishing a directory to be distributed to the members. This directory will be made available to the membership either electronically or a hard copy may be purchased at a minimal fee. This should be done as soon as possible after the first meeting of the general membership in February.

SEC. 4 – Ringer Chairman

  1. Shall select any play day during the first month of the Association’s regular play days to start the ringer cards.
  2. Shall record the first score of the regular play day for each participant.
  3. Shall maintain a record of ringers for those participating who record their improved scores on the ringer sheets.
  4. Shall total improved scores, subtracting handicaps, to determine winners in each flight at the end of the Association’s regular season and report winners to the Sports Chairman.
  5. Shall divide monies to be presented at the Christmas party to the winners in each flight.
  6. Member-Guest Day Invitational, match play, tournaments, scrambles and other types of team play, where players do not have individual scores, scores are not counted toward ringer.

SEC. 5 – Pars, Birdies and Bogeys Chairman

  1. a)      Shall make a list of each participant who has paid her fee for birdies, pars and bogeys.
  2. b)      Shall keep a permanent record and shall report winners to the Sports Chairman at the end of the year.
  3. c)      Shall divide monies among winners in each category to be presented at the Christmas party

SEC. 6 – Hole-in-One Chairman

  1. Shall obtain and add names of new members participating in Hole-in-One from the Treasurer and maintain a list of all current members participating in Hole-in-One.
  2. Shall ensure members who have paid for Hole-in-One one time remain eligible until it is won and ensure those who rejoin the Association after an absence of one year must rejoin the Hole-in-One to participate.
  3. Shall obtain the name of the member with the Hole in One and award the winnings at the Christmas party. If more than one member scores a Hole in One during the year, shall divide the winnings among those who have made the Holes in One. If no member makes a Hole in One during any year, the finances remain in the Association’s treasury until a member makes a Hole in One. Once a member or members obtain a Hole in One, the Hole in One participation fees are restarted the following year.

SEC. 7 – Handicap Chairman

  1. Shall, in accordance with USGA rules, distribute and provide current handicaps and indexes for the members.
  2. At the beginning of the Association’s regular season play, shall ensure all handicaps and indexes are up to date prior to the first regular play day.
  3. During the Association’s regular season, shall ensure current handicaps are posted monthly.
  4. Shall ensure current handicaps are posted to the web site.
  5. Shall be responsible for obtaining the name of the most improved golfer.

SEC. 8 – Newsletter/Website Chairman

  1. Shall write the news and events of the previous month and distribute to members.
  2. Shall publicize pertinent information regarding the membership coffee and other events and activities as requested by the Board of Directors.
  3. Shall work with the head pros at LaFortune and South Lakes to ensure information is current and available on the website.
  4. Shall appoint an assistant if she so desires.

SEC. 9 – Rules Chairman

  1. Shall act along with Sports Chairman in settling disputes and interpreting rules and regulations.
  2. Shall be responsible for presenting USGA rules, local course rules and any changes to local course rules to members. To change a local course rule, the change must be submitted in writing to the Board and approved, submitted and approved by the Director of Tulsa County Golf, and presented at a regular business meeting of the general membership. It then will be posted for a month and voted upon at the next regular meeting of the general membership. This requires a majority vote of the membership either in person or by e-mail or other electronic means.

SEC. 10 – Tulsa District Women’s Golf Association Chairman

  1. Shall appoint two other members to represent the Association at District meetings. 
  2. Shall keep the Association membership informed of District functions.

SEC. 11 – Women’s Oklahoma Golf Association Chairman

  1. Shall appoint one other member to represent the Association at WOGA meetings.
  2. Shall keep the Association membership informed of WOGA functions.

SEC. 12 – LaFortune/South Lakes WGA Invitational Chairman

  1. Shall plan, oversee and coordinate details of the LaFortune/South Lakes WGA Invitational.
  2. Shall make a presentation of the day’s plans to the Executive Board early in the golf year to encourage additional ideas and participation in the event.


ARTICLE 13 – League Records

SEC. 1 – Each Officer and Committee member shall pass along her records to the person holding her position the next year.


ARTICLE 14 – Policies

SEC. 1 – To compete, new members without handicaps must establish a handicap by posting three any-day score cards from any 18-hole golf courses that have a USGA approved slope and rating.

SEC. 2 – Any member with an established handicap may participate in the Spring Tournament.

SEC. 3 – Six play day score cards are required to participate in the Fall Championship Tournament. 

SEC. 4 – USGA Rules of Golf shall apply, as modified by local course rules. Local course rules will be posted on the web site and on bulletin boards at both courses.  Hard copies may be requested.

SEC. 5 – These By-Laws shall be interpreted by the Executive Board subject to appeal at the general membership business meeting. All other cases not covered by these By-Laws shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


LWGA 18 Hole Rules




Approved August 4, 2011


  1. The first group on a play day should straighten tee box markers if they are not lined up correctly or are on the side of the tee box but no closer than previously.
  2. On holes 4, 8, 12, 18 at LaFortune,  after hitting two balls into a water hazard, you may carry your ball across the water and drop on the other side opposite where you went in.  There is no additional penalty other than those already incurred.
  3. On hole 16 at LaFortune after hitting one (1) ball into the water, you may carry your ball across to the drop zone (it is not maintained as such, Therefore, you may place your ball when using this area) with no penalty for carrying it over. (EXAMPLE: If your second shot goes into the water, it is two in, three out and carry it to the drop zone, hitting four (4).
  4. If a player’s ball has gone out of bounds and/or is lost, you MAY drop another ball in the rough, no closer to the hole and in the area of where you thought the ball might be. Count two (2) strokes for penalty.
  5. Winter rules prevail. The ball may be moved up to six (6) inches on the fairway only, but no closer to the hole. It may be cleaned and placed. Winter rules also prevail in the summer. You may move your ball out of the “winter kill” grass areas in the fairway no closer to the hole with no penalty.
  6. Balls may be marked and moved only on the green or the fringe (first cut from the green) and not on longer cuts around the green.
  7. If your ball lies on the green within eighteen (18) inches of the hole, you may pick up your ball without holing out unless play day is a tournament. Count a stroke for picking up your ball. (The Pro Shop will mark everyone’s putter the regulated length.)
  8. When the ball lands in or on a newly planted tree, you may take relief for swing and stance only ( not line of flight) and no closer to the hole.
  9. When you ball lands in a sand trap and it is in a large footprint or other large indentation, you may move the ball up to 4″ to the side on the same elevation and no closer to the hole as long as it remains in the trap. Rule 19.3
  10. When you encounter a squirrel hole on the green, and your line of putting would have to go over the hole, you  may move your ball no more than 4″ to either side, no closer to the hole.
  11. It is permissible to repair spike marks on the green, if they interfere with your putting line.
  12. If your ball should land in the large wood chips that have been used under some trees on the LaFortune course or South Lakes, you may take relief for stance and swing only, no closer to the hole. This should be no more than one club length from the edge of wood chips.
  13. After your 10th shot on the hole, pick up and record a 10 to speed up play
  14. Maximum handicap of 40 used for determining play day winners
  15. If a bunker contains water or is very muddy, the player may place the ball outside of the bunker,  on the line it went in on but no closer to the hole, and play from there with no penalty.  Players will be trusted to make a decision as to the condition of any bunker they find themselves in. On any given day, some bunkers may be playable while others are not.  This rule is an attempt to avoid injury due to falls.
  16. If your ball is on a bare dirt area that is located between the cart path and fairway it should be considered as “ground under repair”.  You may get a free drop within 1 club length from the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.”


  1. New members with no verified USGA Handicap must establish a handicap by posting three (3) any day score cards from LaFortune or South Lakes 18-hole course in order to compete in Play Day events.
  2. Members of LF/SL WGA with handicaps from previous years and new members with established and verified handicaps from another club will start play and compete with those handicaps. (Excluding the Championship Tournament.)
  3. Any member with an established handicap may participate in the Spring Tournament.
  4. Players competing in the Spring Tournament must participate on both Play Days.
  5. Six (6) current Play Day scorecards are required to participate in the Fall Championship Tournament.
  6. The pairings chairman will pair and send an e-mail of the pairings to all members and to inform a group if the need to notify a player with no e-mail of their pairing.
  7. A list of players will be furnished to the Pro Shop by Tuesday Evening. Call the Pro Shop after Tuesday evening to play or cancel before Thursday.
  8. Scorecards must be turned in and posted on each day of play to maintain fair and equitable handicaps and to qualify for awards.
  10. A weekly Play Day shall be official only if ten (10) or more members compete.
  11. Your score will not be considered for prizes if you pick up on Play Days. (If you complete 18 Holes, you must post your adjusted score.)
  12. Awards will be presented to winners of each flight.
  13. Awards for the tournaments will be presented to the winners at the discretion of the Board.


  1. All players participating in LF/SL WGA Play Day shall trade scorecards with another participating player in their group.
  2. The USGA rule allows five (3) minutes to find a lost ball.  A player searching for a lost ball should signal the following group to play through as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball cannot be found immediately.
  3. Hit a provisional ball only if your ball might be lost or out of bounds, but not if your ball is in a water hazard.  Announce to your fellow players that you are hitting a provisional ball.
  4. Mow lines will establish fairway limits on all holes
  5. Repair all ball marks before leaving the green.
  6. Do not mark scorecards while on or near the green just played.  Move on to the next tee as quickly as possible.
  7. Maintain your position on the golf course by keeping pace with the group directly ahead of you.